
供应 & 服务:

  • The ARC /英语写作辅导 is not responsible for items that are lost or left unattended. Writing Center staff or tutors will 不 watch your items for you.
  • 学生 will respect the materials and environment of the /英语写作辅导. 学生 will pick up their trash and treat /英语写作辅导 property with care.
  • The /英语写作辅导 offers textbooks for loan to students and staff. However, all items must remain in the /英语写作辅导.

Behavior in the /英语写作辅导:

  • 学生 可能不 disrespect tutors, student assistants, other students, or staff. The following items will not be tolerated at any time:
    • 骂人或说闲话
    • offensive or inappropriate comments, gestures, or attire
    • threatening speech or behavior
    • academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism
    • 性骚扰
  • Excessive noise or disruptive behavior is not acceptable in the Writing Center. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • audible videos or music from personal devices
    • any action that could cause physical or emotional harm to one's self or others
    • being under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol
  • 手机通话 写作中心是允许的. You may take your call outside the center.
  • 孩子们 写作中心是允许的.
  • 食品和饮料是 写作中心是允许的 except for bottled water.
  • 学生 will listen to and follow direction from any Writing Center tutor, or staff member.
  • 任何学生, 导师, or Staff not following the policies may be asked to leave the Writing Center by any Writing Center 导师 or Staff member.



  • If you sign-in for a walk-in session, we cannot guarantee that you will be seen due to wait times, 缺乏可用性, or other unforeseen circumstances. 未预约者需支付 有限的可用性. Please ask the front desk if a walk-in tutor is available each day. If there is no walk-in tutor available, you may be asked to come at a later time or on a different day.
  • Walk-ins can receive no more than 30分钟 每天的辅导.
  • If you are waiting for a walk-in session, you 可能不 leave the center for more than 10分钟. If you leave, your name will be removed from the walk-in list. 也, 如果你决定离开, you can take your name off the walk-in list and re-sign in at a later time that day. Your wait time may change if you come back at a later time.
  • You may stay in the lab after your walk-in session as long as the lab is open; however, you 不会 receive a second walk-in session.
  • 学生 可能不 request a specific tutor or wait for a specific tutor to become available. 学生 are helped on a first-come, first served basis. If a tutor has worked with a student two times in a row, we will have a different tutor work with that student.
  • 学生 will receive a conference form receipt as proof of tutoring.
  • 请注意: Violations of the policies stated on this sheet could be subject to the violation of the L.A.V.C. Student Code of Conduct (9803.15). Please refer to the LAVC Catalog for further details and description of the code.